Sunday the weather was so nice, but the ground was so wet, that we decided to drive into the city. After obligatory pizza, we headed to the great toy store. The line at the register went all the way to the back wall!
"Is something special going on?"
"Just shopping for Purim."
But I found out it wasn't mostly costumes or even candy or trinkets they were buying - it was little fireworks, crackers, caps and such. Alright, if that is was gets you excited.
Ironically, what was my "must buy" find? Clackers!
I loved these! I used to play with my babysitter's pair whenever I could. And I was pretty darn good, as I remember, for a little kid anyway.
But then they were banned, and when my oldest son was little, I could only get him these lame light balls on sticks:
So how did the toy store come by these great old things? Are they any safer? They are still clearly able to be used as a weapon, but are they different material? more shatter resistant? I don't know, and I didn't ask, I just grabbed them, bought them, and started clacking away before we even left the city.
So who is the worse mommy: the ladies with all the fireworks, or lady with the clackers?
P.S. The clackers are for ME, not the kids. The kids are really bad at them, and I'm hoping they get bored of trying before I just have to hide them away.