Thursday, November 1, 2012

I don't post political on FB

...but I was very tempted to by this article.  Friend and family ask how I can oppose strict abortion laws.  "I don't want to give the state the right to mandate my religious practice."  But, as I have said before, I am a poor debater.  Here is an article from the Huffington Post to explain better than I ever could.  Why would you think conception by rape would be the only sticky issue?! 
Baruch Hashem!  I was never forced to make such a decision.  But situations come to us, not only according to our request.  When it comes to government power, we all have to take seriously the "is it right?" concern, not just "this doesn't effect me personally".  I have similarly tried over and over to debate privacy policy.  People answer "But I have nothing to hide."  Well, lucky you!  How about if the federal government decides to make an equivalent to Megan's Law for abortions, so if you are evil enough to choose not to have a late term miscarriage, it will be announced publicly to warn you neighbors?  We should probably include all those recorded "spontaneous" abortions too - after all it's still labeled an abortion.  Then I would be on the list.  Maybe we should just avoid going in to the OBGYN all together.

Oh, think this is terribly rare, not worth muddying the argument with it?  Here is an unfortunately similar post
 from a friend, who decided to go public with her story to build awareness.

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