Today when I came into work, I saw a whole bunch of out-of-service terminals, with a sign on each, explaining that the hospital has discontinued its "Electronic self check-in" system, in order to provide more personal service, yada, yada. Thank goodness. I don't care why they did it (my guess would be numorous mistakes and the extra man-hours of floaters to help the people "self-administering"), I am just happy to see the change. I work in a cancer hospital, so the people coming in are usually older, and no one can be in a great state of mind coming for cancer treatment, so why make them go through this stupid puzzle of trying to fill out their own admission forms?
I hate computers, have I mentioned? I am old, and poor, and do not have internet connection at home, and I can never get phone numbers anymore, because the phone books have been put out of business, I guess, and have no way to reach people I don't already have listed in my phone, and often end up calling people out-of-state to ask, "will you look up a number for me?"
There are other things too: I can't find movie listings. I can't just order things by phone, because there are no operators for some of these on-line-businesses. Blah blah blah, but they all pale next to the phone-number hassle.
That's all - I guess I'm just waiting for the pendulum to swing back toward "faces" vs. wi-fi.
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