Wanna post, but don't have a lot I feel passionate about sharing.
So busy busy busy, pretty pleased with what I have been accomplishing.
In order of importance:
- Organized bi-weekly women's only dance session, made music-mixes and flyers for said event. Had fun at the first two meetings. Having fun preparing. But the FB page got more comments on the flyers than the event!
- Organized Tehillim (Psalms) group at my house, hope to make it a regular monthly event.
- Made a new snood I really like with the new fabric I felt the need to buy. It looks really good, but not quite large enough, since the lace over-snood is not at all stretchy, but the velour band is almost perfect!
- New beading idea: headbands. Very happy with first two, but still trying to find perfect elastic banding.
- Lots of baking yesterday morning while it snowed. Oven is parve, so I can bring this stuff to hosts when I go out.
- Parent Teacher Organization Stuff.
- Other little, normal stuff.
- Annoying normal stuff like laundry and dishes.
- This paper at work, that I thought my boss was gonna write, but she made me do all myself (which is actually a good thing, except that:) I don't want my name associated with it because I think the protocol is so half-***ed, it's just something I jury-rigged after I couldn't get the correct protocol to work for me.
I think it is great! but the co-organizer just said, "what are those supposed to be?" They are little tubes, commonly called ependorf tubes. I think it is hysterical, and so did the woman down the hall who lent me the 3rd figurine, "best use these were ever put to." They figurines were a promotional item, that are meant to hold rotor wrenches. Does the explanation do anything for YOU?
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