Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Do they teach them this at teachers' colleges?

I and my kids need to appear in court on what would be their first day of school for this year. 

This is horrible for so many reasons.  But anyway, I am trying to contact their teachers, to explain the situation, make sure they are prepared to get the boys initiated a day late, and mostly to let them know that the boys are going through a rough time.  It's hard to know how much to tell the teachers, what is most helpful, and to good purpose. Honestly, my main thought is, understandably, to make things better for the boys.  But I also know it may serve to remove a stumbling block from in front of the teachers:

My father passed away when I was in elementary school.  We went to stay with my father's family for a couple weeks, out-of-state, and they arranged for me to go to the local day school.  I can't remember almost anything from my elementary years in general, but I remember that week fairly well.  I actually enjoyed the school very much, made friends much easier than at home, so I suppose I just appeared to be some little girl on an extended vacation.  After a couple days, the recess teacher came up to me to say hello.  "And how did you come to join our school for this week?" she asked all cheerfully...

And it all just fell out in tears, "I'mherebecausemyfatherdiedandhisfuneralwashereonsundayandtheysaidishouldgotoschoolbecauseidon'thave
tositshivaalldayandthatswhyi'mherrrrrrreeeeee."  Hiccup.

I feel so terrible for that teacher.  I have no idea who it was.  I wonder if there is any way to find her an let her know I never held any bad feelings against her, and it really wasn't anything terrible that she said.

I once, unintentionally did something to hurt a little child, and I will feel guilty about it forever.  It is one of my worst memories.  But the child was so young at the time, I bet she doesn't even remember, and I don't even know her name.  But it would be wonderful to be able to settle that matter. So, I want to do what I can to avoid creating such a terrible memory for someone new.

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