Sunday, August 21, 2011

Pre raphaelite fairies over depression

I was gonna make another boring "pity-me" post, but forget that -BORING!
Lets talk about something cool!...Yeah! would be cool?

I have just been surfing the web, which I do so infrequently, that I don't know any more modern expressions than "surfing the web", and looked at


(much of which featured babe midrifs and such, but totally engrossing),

and Brent Spinner imitating Patrick Stewart.

Okay, let's go back to the steampunk thing.  I don't think of myself as being really into steampunk, and yet I LOVE IT.  I WANT TO TOTALLY GET INTO IT.  I guess mostly because the fashions since 1919 have been so appalling and dull.  But I'm so fat and old and dumpy looking.  But maybe with lots of frills and bustles and more frills, I would still be alluring????  and it's really just beautiful and fun and nerdy.  And the steampunk-happenings look so cool and interesting.  The costumes are so beyond me.  Well, maybe not if I was willing to really throw myself into it.  Now is there a subset of steam punk into Victorian faerie obsession? - if so, I'll join you as soon as I can fashion a corset and some glamour!

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