Thursday, June 28, 2012

Plays, Probiotics, Cabinets and Cat(burglar)s...

...or Sometimes You Can Do It Alone,  Sometimes You Need Help 
...or The Religious Post

Wow, yesterday was an incredibly stressful day.  I am amazed it went as easily as it did.  I had two completely different stressors pulling at me in one horribly long day.

I woke up early and stayed up late to move my stuff out of the old apartment while the wasband is out of town.  He doesn't know.  But I just found out he suspected - he told one person with a key explicitly "don't let her into the house."  Fortunately I haven't played all my cards before this, still a couple up my sleeve.

Just to be clear, I'm fairly certain that I have every legal and ethical right to go into that apartment to get my stuff.  But still, he will be terribly angry, and all the need for stealth felt really freaky.  Plus asking so many people for favor after favor, just to get stuff boxed and moved and stored quickly was very hard for me.  (My friends have been great. Thank you, friends.)  I chose, collected, and moved the stuff in just a few hours.

Meanwhile, *Irene* reminded me that I had planned to go to see her perform in a play last night.  Irene is a very close older relative.  So I took off early from work (after starting late) to drive an hour and a half, straight to the play.  The play was delayed for almost an hour, because it is a little play at a senior center, put on mostly for the benefit of the players, so they don't worry too much about the time.  So Irene is introducing me around to her friends, and their questions show all the lies she has told about me.

Irene is a pathological liar.  Perhaps you think that is just a hyberbolic expression.  It is not.  I know because I have a touch of the condition myself.  It is a desire to lie for no particular gain or purpose.  I guess when I do it, it is just to make a story sound slightly more interesting, almost never to get out of a bad situation or for material gain or to make myself look better.  Really.  I don't think I do it often, but occasionally lies slip out, I can't figure out why I did it, but I can't take it back. I easily recognize some lies from Irene, for example, warped stories of happenings that I experienced first hand.  Other lies are just guessed from her mannerisms.  I tell you this not to shame her, but to explain that yesterday was not an isolated incident.  Also, she likes to point out my faults, usually jokingly, but quite clearly, right in front of me.  Multiple faults, multiple times per evening.  Sometimes they are true, sometimes they are not, and it really doesn't make a difference.

Irene's friends, who clearly have great affection for her, try to chat with me.
"Oh, you're just in research now?  Your not a practicing doctor anymore?"
"How is your garden doing?  I hear it's really growing this year."
"I loved that cannoli you made for Irene last week." (I have never made cannoli in my life, and I haven't brought Irene any baked goods in the past year.)
Irene will give me a quick, strain look, as if to say, "Please don't tell, it's just a little lie."

So you see she takes the facts and twists them to me me look bigger and better.  Perhaps I should say "She is old, she is a pathological liar.  Maybe she just made a slip of the tongue.  Maybe her friends just misheard, or didn't remember clearly."  But I couldn't get through the evening, and as I drove her home, I told her that I don't appreciate that she lies about me; that she is so embarrassed by my mediocrity that she makes up all these embellishments.  I felt bad right away.  But it is the same thing every time I see her.  I can't stop from exploding.  Before I drove off to finish moving stuff, I went back up to her house to apologize, try to smooth things over, keep this night a happy memory for her.

A couple weeks ago, I caught the end of an interesting article on Radiolab .  The piece was about a recent study I have heard somewhere before, about feeding yogurt to mice.  Well, not literally yogurt, more like a pill of the probiotics that make milk into yogurt.  One upshot of the probiotic diet was a significant decrease in the panic reaction to stressors.  Basically: mice were fed a standard diet, or a high probiotic diet.  The mice were dropped into a tank of water.  Standard diet : mouse swims a couple minutes, is overcome by panic, goes into dead float; Probiotic diet: mouse keeps swimming and swimming and swimming, blood chemistry shows much lower levels of panic enzymes.

I would usually make fun of someone who tried to mimic the results of such a study by trying to change her diet.  But this time I figure "what the heck", bought several quarts of kefir and yogurt, and started flooding my system with probiotics, maybe an average of 30oz per day.  And....I do feel more relaxed, although somewhat queezy. Apparently, even good bacteria can play havoc with your stomach when you overdo it, no surprise.  It is hard to say, but perhaps this induced calm help me do what I needed to do yesterday, and still make it to work for a productive day today.  I don't even remember crying.


We learn that the Jewish calendar is not merely linear.  Time does not progress as a straight line, but cyclically.  One could imagine a spiral or helix, so that each year we travel forward on one axis, while concurrently returning to the same spot on the other axis.

Last year this was a terrible time of change and turmoil, choices and loss.  I am now terribly nervous as I watch events unfold in the shadow of the last year.  I am making the choices, I am preparing for the changes.  I worry that all the choices and preparations will be overturned and fly away like ashes in the wind, just like a year ago.  Above all, I need to remember that if it happens again, it is because the Master Above took control, to do what was right for me.  And I want to try again to be grateful that He would hold my hand and pull me onto the right path by force.

I am afraid this sounds off-putting, as if I am so righteous that I can be happy when I don't get my way.  I'm not that righteous.  But somehow, it really just seemed clear before.  And I so desperately want someone, and Someone, to hold my hand and just tell me what to do, I'm so tired.  I was listening to Dune on audio CD this morning - the characters ask each other, when do people outgrow the ability to sleep in complete comfort, without the burden of worry.  Does everyone really feel this way?

I went to a lecture years ago which I probably remember because the speaker had a lovely S. African accent.  He taught "The rabbis tell us we are always being chased by something.  If we are lucky, it is by good things, like preparing for holiday guests, or a wedding.  So we can hope and pray to be chased by good, but not to avoid being chased."  That is heavy, and the thought of it makes me more tired.  I feel like there is never enough time.  Certainly this week (this month, this year) I didn't get done so many of the chores that are chasing me.  I can't find time (and here I sit blogging), and I can't figure out how to get more.  So ironically I dedicated more time to an area where I have been sorely lacking - prayer.  I had fallen into a rut of only saying morning blessings and Sh'mah, with little other set prayer.  This year I started attending synagogue every week again, after years of almost never dragging myself out on shabbos.  I regularly pray all four services now on Saturdays. I love it.  So I have gone back (just recently, can't promise if it will stick) to saying the Amida every morning.  Maybe I can try for afternoon also.

Is it the probiotics settling my nerves, or the prayer?  I believe He wants us to try ourselves, while asking for help, so I'm gonna stick with both.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Watchin' some more TV - character studies

The library just got AbFab, so I just saw the first 3 episodes.  I don't know if I will watch much more.  I'm embarrassed to admit it, but I can't understand the Britishisms.  Plus, its a little too frenetic and physical-comedy oriented for me.  I don't find Patsy's character very amusing (which is ironic, since the only thing I knew about the series is that it starred Joanna Lumley), and the daughter is too perfect.  I do like Edy's character, probably more then the writers intended.  Even when she is horribly self-indulgent, I find her very sympathetic.  I think her essence is summarized in a fabulous line she delivers in the 3rd episode, "France".  Eddy and Patsy are mistakenly vacationing in a little cottage in a small village in France.  Edy's daughter, Saffron, says that she likes the cottage, it is so quiet and pretty and peaceful.  Edy agrees, "I should enjoy it, but I can't.  It's like some great cosmic secret that no one let me in on."  So I guess I want her to "win", and it is disappointing that every week, she just misses.

So I put in some "Friends" collection that I was given.  I generally enjoy "Friends", especially Matt LaBlanc and Matthew Perry.  There are so many great lines, it is a shame that the writers put in so many cheap sex jokes.  SO MANY, EVERY SINGLE STORY.   But in between are some really clever lines.  I saw some episodes I never watched before, and it crystallized:  I hate Rachel.  Why in the world would fans want Ross to get back together with this nasty, selfish, shallow baby?  Am I missing some amazing transformation somewhere, where Rachel realizes "Hey, I'm to blame for all the problems with Ross.  And I have cost him so much lost happiness. What can I do to make it up to him?" 

Okay, well I'm just at work to gather some boxes - life is moving on.  Imagine how fast things could move if I would stop watching so much TV.

Oh, a little post scrip to the No Recognition post a few days back:  I went and watched that Seinfeld episode, "Butter Shave", and it is amazing how in-sync I really was with it - George actually says that he gets "no recognition".  And even better - just as I started the blog by saying I wanted to take a break from "Sweet Pro's" world, "Butter Shave" opens with Jerry and George sporting mustaches because they had spent that summer "taking a vaction from ourselves."  Ironic, funny.

Sunday, June 24, 2012


These amazing photos were taken in various places around Maniwa and Okayama Prefecture in Japan by photographer Tsuneaki Hiramatsu   

So it looks like I will be leaving my lovely new community, at least for awhile.  And although I am sad to go, I am actually excited about the future, which certainly hasn't happened in some time.  Now that I think about it, the last time I was really excited about the future was eight years ago, when the wasband finally got his teacher's certificate, and I expected him to look for a good paying job that he would enjoy - foolish girl! 

This early summer heat wave seems to have brought out insects aplenty, which would generally be a horrid situation for this bug-hater.  But along with the gnats, wasps, and swarms of carpenter bees, the *fireflies* are buzzing around like I have never seen before.  Every evening, I park my car, walk halfway up the driveway, and look around and around at all the little blinking lights.  On Thursday evening, the show was so amazing, I sat outside my door for 20minutes, arguing with myself to go inside and start the weekend cooking. This was the best firefly spectacle I have ever witness, better than I ever imaginged: the yard was almost perfectly dark, the area so wooded and secluded, the trees so tall, and I was right next to my house door, completely safe.  I could follow the individual flies, flying so fast and blinking at such short intervals that they almost looked like dotted-lines. And the glow was so bright, I could clearly see sparkles at the tops of trees that must be over 50ft tall.  I cannot possible describe how beautiful it was.  I kept thinking of the theme parks with little twinkling lights in the shrubbery, trying to make the surroundings "magical", and what a pathetic simulation that was compared to what I had outside my door.

This is a paradigm of what I particularly loved about the "new" neighborhood.  I have lived in the city (although not The CITY), all my life, and the only time I can remember really seen the stars well is when we traveled out to the "country" to go to the Renaissance Festival, and the view of the sky from the pitch-dark parking lot was superb.  Perhaps I saw stars as a child, but I certainly didn't appreciate them enough to have an image in my head.  So since then, I have wanted to go camping, mostly to be able to look up at night and just look at the stars (and start big fires, which is so cool). The wasband, to his credit, did try to arrange a camping trip, but it was cloudy most of the time.  I don't honestly think I will ever get a really great view of the stars,  the way all of humanity did for 5000 years.  I just don't expect to ever get any place so shielded from light-pollution.  But the fireflies...ahh, it is certainly a taste.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Quick update

In case anyone was really nervous about yesterday's post - well, I'm still sinking into debt, but I am trying to decide between to seemingly great housing options.  But let's not mess this that's all for today.  Quick.

Oh and I picked up my new shoes!!new shoes new shoes new shoe la la new shoes.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

No Recognition

I am feeling especially aware of my material poverty this month.  I am on the very edge of gong into the pit of debt, and if I fall in, I can't imagine how I will climb out.  Meanwhile, I need look for a new apartment, and I so desperately want to better my living space - cramming into two teeny-tiny rooms over the last year was really tough, and I certainly did NOT imagine it being an indefinite situation.  I have to send the kids to camp so I can go to work, but I'm going to be spending my entire salary on camp tuition. Meanwhile, I keep sending checks to the lawyer......enough, I'm not going to catalog all my expenses.  The point is: I'm poor, I'm getting poorer, I don't see this turning around any time soon.  I want a break from "Sweet Pro's" world, but there isn't really any acceptable escape.

I recently bought a bunch of comic collections at the library book sale, including some of the later "For Better Or For Worse."  Not my favorite, too full of herself, but I will read almost any comics, and the kids like them.  So I see that a minor character was added as a school-friend of the youngest daughter.  The new character is a special needs student with trouble speaking.  Perhaps the idea from this character came from  a real person in the life of the cartoonist, but I thought about the attempts to extend the "diversity" in the strip. What popped into my "pity me" head was, "There are no poor characters in the strip."  Okay, that is not completely true - very young adults are shown having a hard time with finances, but this is clearly just a stage, a rite of passage. One of the son's friends lives over a garage from the time he graduates high school through his first couple years of marriage.  But soon enough he becomes one of the most successful business men in town.  And even his alcoholic parents seem to have had a nice house in which he grew up.  Okay, okay, she is documenting the world she knows, but it still gets me down.  Everything I grew up with on TV, in books, in comics, etc shows American life as rich by default (I know, Johnston is Canadian, but you get the point). It's not so much that I dislike my circumstances as much as having my kids (and myself) wondering why we can't just be like everyone else.  Isn't there already enough "less then average" about us?

While trying to think of a title for this piece, I considered "No handicapped Plates", as in no special accommodations for the working poor, the fat, the skinny, the bald, the ugly, the dysfunctional family member, the insecure, etc; basically the emotionally crippled.  A scene from Seinfeld jumped into my thoughts, where George has the same analysis: the world owes him for all his hardship.  I can't even figure out exactly which episode, I think it is in "The Butter Shave", when he gets the job with Play Now, they think he is unable to walk, and give him all the "perks" of being "handicapped".  George tells Jerry that he intends to take full advantage of the situation, since he has just as many problems as anyone with a physical impediment.

So I'm even more pathetic now: I'm kinda' siding with George.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

This week's epiphany

This is one of the wasband's favorite comic strips:
Actually, he never reads comics, so he must have heard me reading it to the kids, but anyway, it always made him laugh. The wasband is big into lists, unlike your blogger.

This weekend started awfully: just another case of the wasband pulling out the worst in me.  End of story, I was without the boys for shabbos, feeling cheated and disgusted and all kinds sorry for myself.  As I came home Friday afternoon, I have a flash of how many things the wasband DID NOT manage to take away from me. 

This was like suddenly understanding the expression "to find yourself."  I would imagine most teenagers have very little understanding of this idea, though they are told that this is a possible benefit of college or the postponement of college for several years.  So too, one is advised to think about all the things wasbands [cancer/ financial crises/ adversaries in general] cannot take away from one.  (I'm reading "The Uncommon Reader", and it makes me want to use the pronoun "one".)

Shall I give an abbreviated list?  Okay, these are some things that are actually on the upswing since last summer:

  • Shul attendance
  • Lovely shabbatot in general
  • Connections with friends
  • Connections with family
  • Exercise/ frolicking with the little guys
  • Desire to get out of bed most mornings (well, I think it is most. not this morning, but most mornings)

I feel that I have to say, he DID take away a whole lot, not even considering the material items.  I can't get beyond that wall of awful.  But occasionally I can turn my gaze to the other direction.

Here's a twofer - An ironic list of annoying things the wasband used to that I have found myself doing this year:

  • Going to the library multiple times per week, borrowing up to the limit
  • Keeping Granola bars in the car for kiddie snacks
  • Using minty liquid soap in the shower (mine is a nicer brand though)
  • Taking kids out to do "stuff" in the evenings
  • Shopping at pricier grocery stores (but I don't enjoy this, it's just that along with the pricier neighborhood comes the pricier stores)

Not some little Hotsie Momma

Few people who consistently wear their waistbands above their hips are less qualified to write an article on fashion than I, but I have one particular fashion peeve to share: shells.
I don't mean those calcium rich mollusk armor you collect on the beach (although those shells are also not my favorite embellishment); I'm referring to a tight bodice garment used for under-layering, to provide "modest" covering of arms, neckline, etc, under less concealing clothing.

The idea of under-layering is, of course, not new.  The past several decades have seen 1) popular fashion become increasingly revealing, 2) overwhelming expectation that clothing be available "off-the-rack".  Thus religious women have been asking "Uch, isn't there some easy, non-bulky, economical, and stylish way to make this years fashions 'work?'" 

And, like the Ronco in-the-shell-egg-scrambler, the SHELL was born.

No, maybe not like that... Anyway, although we have been wearing T's, cammies, long sleeve T's, dickies, "sleevies", or whatever underneath all these years, suddenly "shells" are the new thing.  But because they are "shells," they are now somehow appropriate to any occasion.  And even more unbecoming: now every article of clothing is appropriate if it has a shell underneath.

A couple years ago I was dragged into Brooklyn for the day.  I had way too much time to just watch the people at this "Jewish family event."  The place was crawling with young women, mostly young mothers, wearing the tightest, sauciest clothing I had ever seen at such an event.  And I thought to myself,  "there is no way I could ever really belong to the ****** movement, I could never be such a little hotsie momma."

How nasty a thought is that?  Well, sorry but it was just an awful day, and those clothes were the topper, along with a soft-serve chalav-yisroel ice cream cone that was so bad, it might as well have been tofutti (maybe it was! I hate Brooklyn.)

So here is my advice:
1) DO NOT spend $5000 on a shaitel, then wear it to your cousin's wedding with a sleeveless off-the-rack dress "enhanced" with some obvious shell.  You CAN still find a seamstress to either alter that dress you saw and loved, or just order a whole new dress, it is possible.  And if you really can't afford that - then keep walking and find a different dress or wear last year's.

2) Some tops are just plain inappropriate.  No matter what you do to them.  If it looks like underwear, don't use it as outerwear.  If it looks like a negligee, don't wear it as sports wear.  If it is so tight, strappy, notched, that it would be only be appropriate...well, you get the point, just don't wear it.

Good candidate for a shell

Poor candidate for a shell

I guess that's it.  I'm sure I will end up giving in more to this trend eventually.