Friday, August 9, 2013

day 34

206.6 and I felt so beaten that I had several bowl of peanut butter noodles that I made for shabbos.

In response to Princess Lea:  Yeah, when I say starvation mode, I mean nothing to coffee for breakfast, nothing but water all day, and then a small portion of whatever I made for the kid's dinner at around 5 or 6pm.  And for me, this is the only thing that ever worked - lunch I can skip easily, dinner is MUCH harder. 

Swinging back to depression.  I wish I had time to write - good little essay in my head.  about how everyone is in Capt. Kirk mode, it is unacceptable to say "I know I will lose." So am I supposed to look to cheat my own Kobayashi Maru?  What would that look like?

1 comment:

  1. In my case, stomach viruses and the flu work wonderfully.

    What has been the challenge for me is to take advantage of those illnesses and keep off that which I lost. The secret?


    I mean all vegetables, all the time. It takes some adjustment if you are a grains person, but pasta is a killer (why is peanut butter noodles an actual thing? Ban it! Ban it!)

    You CAN do it, and I don't mean it as a Trekkie. I did it, but it did take time. It takes patience, and a willingness to try, and seeing something out. If you want change, you have to implement change. Not necessarily cheating the KM program.
