Friday, August 16, 2013

So disgusted, I am being disgusting

I am so sad and angry and alone, that I am posting something that is none of your business.

Asked wasband if he would kick in money to pay for tutoring for son who really needs it.  Wasband said, yes if I let him have both little boys extra two nights each of my weeks (and remember that he ALWAYS has oldest son, whom he has completely turned against me; and he always gets the boys during shul; often for swimming one night a week; every day of summer with the middle one; plus whatever other chores he finds that he MUST do during my weeks! )!  After I responded NO twice, this morning he again made it clear that the tutoring was dependent on me giving up time with the boys.

Here is my latest email to him:

Dear Wasband,

I can take Moo to his tutoring every week, and I might as well take Po along with me as well.  How about every evening when you go to maariv, you drop off  Poe with me.  And drop him off with me before shacharit on shabbos, since we all know he roams the building, and I usually end up watching him anyway.   Also, Po doesn't like frozen pizzas twice a week, and it can't be good for Moo, so I will take them for dinner on Tuesdays and Thursdays on your weeks.  Also I would like to check to make sure your apartment is reasonably clean for a child to live in...
Have you hung up yet? 
I don't want to ruin the chance to get Moo the tutoring he needs.  I hope you are willing to pay for it without using it as bargaining chip.  But I'm not going to change my stance on this issue.
Your Loving Wife,
-Sweet Perfusion

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